CrozzdicR® Line 120 Video

Standard features of ALL CrozzdicR automatic controlled guillotine cross knife, no cutting down to size required which reduces costs and saves time plus the possibility to automate the feeding.

Solid stainless steel grid sets, fourfold attached, designed for hardest workload. Product outfeed for driving 200 litre trolleys underneath machine or conveyor belt (option). Leftover removal through large stainless steel drain pipes for best hygenic standard. High quality SIEMENS Computer Processing Units guarantee best reliability.

Stepwise and continuous feed motion mode a standard fitting, marginal santizing expenses for best hygiene.

CrozzdicR® Line 120

Automatic loading and processing of cooked meat logs, cheese bars or cheese blocks via integrated
infeed conveyor belt

Self-acting trimming of large meat or cheese blocks to chamber size - afforded through the automatic controlled guillotine cross knife

Comfortable cutting and handling - the reliable CPU with intelligent light barrier system controls the infeed and the process sequences

Unlimited versatility - ergonomic loading and processing of various products in one machine
• magazine for storage and feeding of cookedmeat logs
• height adjustable stacker to unpack logs or bars
• hopper for bulked products like eggs

CrozzdicR® Line 120

Integration in automated production process feasible as option
• automatic machine stop plus display
• signalling for upstream or downstream processes

Consistent high throughput - fast knife speed

User-friendly handling - single control keys plus extra control panel at infeed conveyor belt for independent work while loading

Marginal sanitizing expenses - infeed conveyor belt to undock in speedy manner and mobile on wheels

Low maintenance costs - electronic soft-start reduces
the load of drives and increases the lifetime of wear parts

    Media Gallery

  • CrozzDicr Line 120
  • CrozzDicr Line 120
  • CrozzDicr Line 120

Technical Data

throughput kg/h 3.000
connect load kW 6,8
chamber cross section mm 120 x 120
chamber length mm 550
cutting length mm 0-50
longitundinal pre-compression   variable
length/width/height (with hopper) mm 2.050/2.700/2.200
weight kg 760


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